How Honda Overcame The WWII Stigma To Live The American Dream

How Honda Overcame The WWII Stigma To Live The American Dream

It’s easy to dismiss Honda’s achievements in the USA as par for the course of automotive evolution. After all, look how rapidly Hyundai and Kia have stepped up to the top of the mainstream in the world’s second-biggest car market. But to truly understand the monumental achievements of Honda in the land of the red, white, and blue, we need to imagine the world in a very different light to what it is now…

Imagine that a week from now, on October 2, 2023, geopolitical tensions between the US, Germany, the UK, Russia, Ukraine, North Korea, China, and a dozen other countries rapidly escalate to epic, tragic proportions, and a new generation experiences a Great War. Six years later, World War III comes to an end in 2029, and the world once again commits with all the enthusiastic dishonesty it can muster to never again go to war on such grand scales. And let’s assume, for the sake of this exercise, that society determines that the guiltiest party in all this is North Korea, which encouraged Russia to bomb Fort Bragg.

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