Police Ordered To Pay $50k To Man Warning Motorists Of Speed Camera

Police Ordered To Pay $50k To Man Warning Motorists Of Speed Camera

Delaware State Police will pay $50,000 to a man who filed a federal lawsuit after he claimed troopers infringed upon his constitutional rights to warn drivers about a speed trap, reports CBS News.

Jonathan Guessford, 54, said police acted unlawfully when they stopped him from protesting on the side of the road with a cardboard sign that read, “Radar Ahead!” After a heated, profanity-laden exchange with law enforcement, Guessford had his sign taken away by the police. Officials at the scene decided to let him go, but a frustrated Guessford reportedly gave officers the middle finger as he drove off in his Subaru Forester.

Guessford was then pulled over and cited for improper hand signaling, but dash cam audio from the police vehicle proves officers knew the chargers wouldn’t stick. “We have no real basis to write him; it’s going to get thrown out,” the officers can be heard saying.

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