Subaru To Get Rid Of Tailgating Forever With New Driver Assistance Feature

Subaru To Get Rid Of Tailgating Forever With New Driver Assistance Feature

Obviously, a lot of data is needed for something like this to work safely, and sensors alone may not be able to provide all of it. To that end, the patent suggests proffering a questionnaire at the end of a drive. Herein, the car could ask the driver what emotions they felt during the trip and to what degree. It can also ask what the tailgated driver expected the tailgater to do.

If this, historical driving data, and other information all point to an inexperienced driver, the system could then recommend that the driver readjust regular routes and departure times to avoid high-stress driving scenarios or times with a high average traffic volume.

If unavoidable, the car could provide messages like, “This is an area where vehicles tend to travel at speeds largely different from those of the other vehicles traveling on an adjacent lane,” following it up with advice like, “Be careful to sufficiently accelerate upon passing.”

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